Interesting that to buy a plane ticket for internal travel in China the traveler must have a passport number or ID card number. This info is also taken whenever you check into a hotel. Makes tracking movements a lot easier in a place where many more transactions are done with cash rather than credit cards which have the same details.

Debbie: from my perspective I am overwhelmed with the awesome privilege of being the Mom to two special uniquely made girls who happen to have been born in China. I am totally humbled by the experience, and if that wasn’t enough, imagine being in a country far from your own, not speaking the language, and looking very different from others around you. On my first trip to China in 2002, I found myself thinking only of how I felt about myself, on trip 2 and trip 3 I have found myself less introspective and outward focused on others around me and for two little girls who need a Mom and Dad to love and cherish them. I thank God for the gifts God has given me, including a wonderful husband who has walked this journey with me.
As for how the girls are getting along, Rachel is trying to figure this whole experience out, her advantage is she knows us and speaks English and for the most part is secure with us and who she is. With Sarah she is still at home in her country with a new family who does not speak her language. Rachel would like Sarah to just listen to her and has practiced Boo (Chinese word for No, not sure of spelling), which maybe worked the first one or two times and now Rachel is getting the idea that her only role is to be a sister and that doesn’t include tattling unless there is danger involved, tough lesson for a 6 year old.
Well it’s time for breakfast so I’ll sign off for now. We’re off to the aquarium and exploring Pudong.
Debbie and Simon: love the nap time photo! When you figure out the tattling issue - let me know....we are knee-deep in that right now! Sarah seems to be taking this all in stride....what a big change for such a little girl! xoxoxo Susan et al