From the time that we were little,
I knew you’d always be
Not just a loving sister
But a caring friend to me.
A shoulder I could cry on,
A helping hand in times of need,
A cheerleader to lift me up,
My angel in both word and deed.
We told each other secrets;
We giggled and we cried.
We shared our joys and sorrows--
We were always side by side.
We have a very special bond;
I knew it from the start.
You’ll have my love
forever -
We’re sisters, heart to heart.
(Author unknown)
After the girls had gone to bed, I was thinking about our experience so far as a family of four and what that means. I look at how sweet the girls are when they are sleeping, the times when they played together in the park, running, giggling, coloring side by side, and the times when they both just seemed annoyed by the other one.
One daughter, I understand clearly in words that she was not thrilled by the feet in her face, being touched, being too close, having the page turned when it was her turn, tattling, being tattled on, and then the time when Rachel wanted to make sure Sarah wasn’t going anywhere with anyone but us. (Sweet!)
And then another daughter who there is no doubt (whether you know Chinese or not), she is not liking what Rachel is doing and the facial and tone of how she tells us is quite clear, she does not like being tattled on, bossed around, touched, having pages turned etc.
So I reflect on the sweet moments and not so sweet and remind myself that these two girls have had their worlds changed radically in the last seven days and God has given us the gift of two little girls to love. How we help them to love one another is part of the journey we have just started and for that we are truly blessed!
Debbie - love the sisters poem - our girls go from glad to sad to glad again in a flash....hard to keep track of sometimes...its the yin and yang of sister love I think. Best of friends and worst of enemies....I remember it well. Being a sibling is probably one of the longest relationships in our lives, and a very important one too! XOXOXO, Susan et al