I've noticed since becoming a Mom, that I am truly awed at the girls ability to find joy in the simpliest things. I have never been disappointed when they have called me to "come quick" they have something to show me and I haven't said "just a minute", but I've dropped what I'm doing to go see.
I am amazed at their ability to notice the things around them that I miss because I'm too busy. I am thankful for the gift children are as they teach me to enjoy each moment, because there is no guarantee of how many moments any of us have left.
They have taught me that the house doesn't have to be perfect, things don't need to be perfect, I don't need to be perfect, that I can enjoy the memories that come from whatever we can find in life to do.
I've watched them enjoy sitting by the ocean, digging in the sand, flying a kite, searching for ladybugs, climbing the highest tree they could find, building a sandcastle, eating s'more, enjoying a sunset and just enjoying life.
Children are certainly a gift from God, who else could show us how truly precious life is when we slow down and see life through their eyes. May I continue to learn all they have to teach me about life and to come right away when the say they have something to show me!

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